自由創作人,年前與友人合作多媒體創作出版公司「螢點製作Firefly」。曾出版「港漫景搜」及「景搜·屋村」,成績相當不俗,憑「景」品牌亦獲得多間本地知名企業合作。 2021年與兩位夥伴合作出版作品集「火夥」,更邀來本地19位不同介別畫師、藝術家參與,口碑載道。2022年再度推出以香港回憶為主的「香港景搜」,期望可以憑努力﹑一步一步地達成未完的創作夢。
A freelance artist, established the "Fireflyhk" Company with partner. Published《港漫景搜》and《景搜·屋邨》in 2018 and 2019, both received its reputations, also obtained various collaboration opportunities with local well-known enterprises. Another remarkable publication 《火伙》was created with two artists plus a cross over with another 19 artists from different sectors in 2021, also created an unexpected popularity. In 2022, a theme based on memories of HK - 《香港景搜》was published. All achievements are the path to the dream of creations.